mercredi 23 janvier 2013

Why is everything more reliable than a woman?

Yes men are unreliable and we can’t be trusted. However, we can be excused because the ones blaming us are more unreliable than we are. The sad truth always comes to the light, we can’t hide it and here I am to take off the curtains and expose everything to the lights. Women are so unreliable that everything and anything can be more reliable than them, Hell even a Penguin is better. So here are few of many reasons why anything is more reliable than a woman.

  •           Decisions: Have you ever met a creature more indecisive than a woman? Come on, it is impossible. Women change constantly their ideas; actually I don’t know what they change more than the other: their clothes or their ideas. For God sake, be sure of something once in your miserable little lives. They are not sure of their feelings, of their choices, of what they are going to do, of what they did, they can’t decide what to wear, how to act, hell they can’t even be sure of the mood they are in… You can find a woman happy and sad in the same time. I don’t know how is that humanly possible but I am telling you the truth people, I witnessed that.
  •           Secrets keeping: Between men and women, is it even possible to think who to trust more? I mean how can you trust someone who can’t keep his mouth shut for 5 minutes? Women have that in their genes, they love to talk, and they love to share with others all the stories that they have. The only problem is that those stories include other people’s secrets… They are not to blame; they were created with this disease. How many times you heard a woman tell you “I am not supposed to tell you this but I trust you”, how many times have you heard “I will tell you something but you have to promise me that It will remain a secret and you can’t tell it to anyone”. But Lady, if it is someone else’s secret and you are telling it to a third part, it is no longer a secret.
  •           Fidelity issues: You can call us players; you can call us heartbreakers, playboys and womanizers. However, studies have shown that when a man is in a relationship he is more faithful than a woman. Yes that is true, and it is due to the difficulty of getting in a serious relationship for a man, so once he is in he gives all that he has and he is 100% committed. Yes one of the reasons for divorce is men’s infidelity but hey, women caught cheating is on the top of the list.
  •           Manipulation: Can you manipulate a man into doing what you do? Yes and it is not a hard thing to do, however it is easier to do that for a woman because she is usually driven by her feelings and she gives it a lot of importance. Come on who can rely on someone who can be easily manipulated and everyone can use him for his own sake.
  •          Self confidence: Women have so a huge problem with self-confidence, it is hard for most of the women to believe that they are capable of doing stuff on their own. In the same path, they have problems with acting on their own, actually women can’t solve their problems by themselves, and they tend to involve pretty much everyone they know in their stories. When men can always get out of troubles by themselves and solve their own problems. They actually tend to run from the world and go to that place in their minds where they are by themselves in order to think about their problems. So how can you rely on someone who has no faith in his capabilities and do nothing by his own.

For these reasons and more, women are unreliable and the only reason I am saying anything can be more reliable than them is that there is no creature or thing on earth that has all these defects at the same time, so even penguins can be more reliable than women. Plus they are cute, for me that counts. 


mardi 22 janvier 2013

Why you should be sad if you are in a distance relationship

They always say love is stronger than everything in this life, with the famous saying “Love conquers all”, however it is not true… Even if there’s love and no matter how strong it is, distance can be a reason for this love to fail! It is going to fail, so here are some reasons why you should be sad if you are getting a distance relationship:

  •           Lost dreams: Everything you planned for the future, all the beautiful stuff that you dreamt about will never come true. Actually, not even the silly and the simple ones, because distance will keep you from realizing your dreams, and you know that.
  •           The lack of direct contact: You can watch millions of movies about couples doing everything and finally being able to be together, however you don’t really get that. Watch some pictures on Facebook, take a walk and look at all these couples hugging, laughing and kissing each other, while you can’t do that. Well, obviously you can’t feel the same way hugging the monitor and kissing some pictures. You will have an essential part missing, and it is enough to destroy you.
  •           ZIP Code Rule: Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend can be using the famous saying “What they don’t know won’t hurt them” and no matter how you have faith in him/her you will start thinking about that. You will start thinking if he or she is cheating on you and you will start making stories and imagining stuff and no matter how much you love him or her, these thoughts will get you to lose some or all of your trust and start asking questions and the problem is that you can never know for sure, because you can’t be there all the time and this will drive you crazy.
  •          Return on investment: What do you get for giving so much time for your phone or online conversations? Actually the first months, the love and the passion are still there, you miss him/her and you will do anything to talk for a minute or a second, stay up all night if there’s time difference, but what do you get in return? Is it enough? Does it satisfy your needs? Of course not, it is nothing compared to what other get when meeting their loved ones. And sooner or later you will start asking if he or she is doing the same effort that you are. You feel powerless and hopeless and it is actually a pretty good reason to cry.
  •           Dark Future: Break up is the only thing you fear, it is the end… You are afraid to lose her/him, you don’t want to lose all the amazing stuff you had, could’ve had and maybe will have. However, you can see clearly that it is the next step. No matter how hard you try, no matter what you do, the relationship is going to fail. What is worse is that you don’t know if he or she will feel as devastated as you, if he or she will even feel a thing, if he or she did move on already! And that breaks your heart.

It is actually possible even if you are in the same country, you can be in different cities, or in the same city but it is hard for you to see each other and/or to show your love.

It is Obvious that It is going to fail for millions of reasons, I just gave you people few reasons to be sad about and to cry for.

My final advice: Cry, Cry, Cry… It is your only solution.


samedi 19 janvier 2013

Why you should always say nice words to women

Actually people can call it flirting with every single girl you meet, others will call you player and others will say that you are too weak to focus on a single girl. It may be true, if you found that single girl who deserves all your nice words and with whom you are in a relationship and you don’t want to cheat on her. Else you have to keep a nice way of talking with females, even if they can be most of the times annoying, boring, too demanding, pain in the ass and they always find a way to make you angry; so here are 5 reasons why you should always say Nice to women:

  •            Women are God’s most beautiful creation: (if there is a God) Actually, Women are the best creature on earth. Hell, they are even more beautiful than the Nature itself. They are the finest creation of whoever created earth and the life on it. So in sort of an appreciation for what he created, we should thank him every day and keep on loving its creature and tell women nice beautiful words... Because simply beauty is to be worshiped.
  •           With all their defects, deep inside they deserve every single word: As I said before, women have so many defects that could make you angry and complicate your life, however, it is obvious that deep inside every woman even if she acts like a stone cold Bitch, has a heart and has weaknesses and most of all every woman is sensitive... So your nice words, even if they can be lies, find their way to her heart and will make her dream and feel like she is a princess.
  •           She can be the one: Actually, every single woman you meet can be the chosen one; you will never know when and how you will meet your other half. You will meet the one when you least expect it, so don’t miss the chance as the one you are talking to, can be your future, can be the queen of your heart so treat her like one.
  •           Most of us are born with the skills needed to flirt, why waste it? Even if few of us know how to use their flirting skills in a perfect way, pretty much every one of us is born with the skills needed, so why waste it? Why not use it in a way that can help us keep it and improve it and in the same time, makes the women happy? Come on people, it is useful and fun...
  •           Self Esteem: That’s the most important reason. What is a woman without her self esteem? Without self confidence? A woman is hundreds of times more beautiful, sexier and more attractive when she is self-confident. So if you want a woman to look beautiful and keep on looking that way, you have to worship the beauty, and our nice words can do nothing but keep that self esteem high, which will help us have more beautiful Girls. So Guys, just do it, it is important.

My last words to women: Being beautiful liars is not that bad, we do it for your own sake. 


vendredi 18 janvier 2013

Why you shouldn't date an intelligent woman

We love them beautiful, we love them Perfect... Actually, men can’t stop loving women, and we all know that we can’t find similar women; each and every one of them is unique in her way. However, there are some similarities we can find, and the question is what is the most annoying Defect or quality (because yes a quality can be annoying too) we can find in a woman.

For me intelligence is one of the most annoying Qualities a woman can have, I know it is rare but we can find intelligent woman and here are 5 Reasons why you shouldn’t date an intelligent woman:

  •            She may be smarter than you: If the girl is smarter than you, you will be an easy target for manipulation. She will remind you every day that you are dumb and that she is intelligent because we all know that girls can’t help it but to say all that goes in their mind without even thinking about it and they actually say it in the worst way ever. (This reason is for dumb men)
  •         She will complicate your life: By thinking about every single detail and trying to find the meaning of every single action, she will always find a way to make you angry because she will see signs and understand stuff that isn’t even there.
  •           She will haunt your conversations with complicated questions: Talking about the meaning of life, the existence of God, the life after death, the reason why Einstein couldn’t finish the time machine and if there’s life on Mars, are not really needed in a couple and are for sure not the perfect subjects to discuss in a restaurant where the man paid half of his salary to give the woman a perfect romantic dinner, and are for sure not the subjects to discuss on bed while the man is trying to kiss you. (I chose kiss on purpose)
  •           Smart women tend to think more about the future: Actually if you date a smart girl especially before she starts working, she will always be thinking about her future, the rest of her studies, the possibilities, the chances, future work, her CV... So she will not enjoy the moment and she will ruin the fun...
  •           The main reason: She will think about Love... To explain this sentence I have to tell you that the studies have shown that men are usually more faithful than women in a relationship, it may seem strange but it is the truth. Actually there is a famous saying:”Women think about love, men actually love”. Yes men are not emotional and they feel less than women, but once they are in love, they are 100% in. Women, and especially smart women, tend to think about love, tend to think about emotions more than feeling them, more than actually experiencing them and living the moment. So They think about romantic situation but actually ruin it with over thinking, love to be in a strong relationship but ruin it with over thinking, love to be loved but question this love, Love to be told Nice words but they always think they are only words and the man is lying or exaggerating.

Please Ladies, Stop over thinking, you are not made for that.
My final advice to men: Take them Stupid they are more fun.

Avoid intelligent women; they are a pain in the ass