I've joined
AIESEC since October 2011 and I loved it so much. Through these two years I've
learnt so much and developed myself, my hard and soft skills and for sure
learnt how to become a better leader. I became someone who thinks about others,
and wants to improve himself, develop people around him and change his country
for the best. However, if you know the good stuff about something you
experienced you must as well know the bad stuff about it. So here are 5 reasons
why you shouldn't join AIESEC:
- Early into real work: You are still a student, one or two years in the university, or you maybe just joined it, and you find yourself already working for some organization, having a full time job, contacting enterprises and meeting CEOs, organizing professional events, managing people, leading a team through a certain period, being part of a team, doing plans and backup plans, thinking about how to use your resources in a perfect way. You will become a professional since a young age while you’re still in college.
- Your CV will be hard to write: Usually, normal CVs don’t take more than two minutes to write and prepare, yours will take at least hours. After joining AIESEC, with all the experience you have, the skills you developed and the things you've done, you wouldn't be able to make them fit on a 2 page CV. It will be so hard for you to list them all on a single CV, it is a hard task come on.
- You’ll lose all prejudges you have: You have prejudged a certain race, certain country or certain region? In AIESEC, you will lose them all. You will meet a lot of new people from different countries, different races and different regions in national or international conferences. You will visit a lot of new countries and get to know their true culture. You will have friends there, and by that you will lose everything bad you have in mind about them because you will know them for what they truly are. You will finally figure out that you were wrong and end up changing your mind about the world.
- Your contact list will be too damn long: Networking is one of the most important things in AIESEC. You will have a huge network of professionals you worked with on events, you will have a network of friends you met on conferences and people you engaged by AIESEC activities. So you will have a lot of visit cards and you will a hard time organizing your contact list and that will drive you crazy.
- You will grow mature and join a cause: You are still young; you want to have fun, party and live your life to the fullest. You can’t believe that you will be wearing a suit and tie and going to important meetings. You are still young for big causes and that complicated stuff. In AIESEC, you will learn the value of volunteering, you’ll be part of a non for profit organization and will work for free, you will start believing in a certain cause, defending it and actually fighting for it. You will try to change the world and achieve peace.
The thing
about AIESEC is that once you join it you go to a completely new level. You
change your mindset, you will join a professional world, you will experience
leadership in every action you make, and you will become an entrepreneur and
have the chance to develop yourself in a Global Learning Environment.
You will
change lives, impact society, help people, join a cause, develop skills, become
a Leader, get to be an entrepreneur, become better and seek the best for the
world, for your country, for people around you and for yourself. You will
become a Change Agent.
So what is
your excuse not to join this magnificent world?
What’s your
excuse not to join AIESEC?
Join Now.
online for a life changing experience.